The Journey Begins

I have always enjoyed photography – even from an early age. My Dad enjoyed it; as did one of our families close friends. You could say I grew up around it.

With my recent new Job, I have met people that are also into photography that I see on a regular basis. Being surrounded by these new faces has inspired me to take the plunge and buy myself a DSLR. I opted for the Canon EOS 600D with its kit lens – EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II.

After much browsing on the internet, I found DigitalRev to be reasonably cheap. I opted for one of their bundles that also got me a EF-S 55-250mm F4-5.6 IS II thrown in for not too much extra. This should give me a reasonable range to work with.


Here you can see my newly purchased LowerPro SlingShot 102-AW bag along with my Manfrotto MKC3-H01 that nicely fits everything in.

Cheap gear to start with (Well, relatively speaking… £600 is hardly cheap) but everyone has to start somewhere.

I’ll be seeing you soon!